Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of investigation – Rt Hon David Cameron

Published on: Friday 26th March 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated

Rt Hon David Cameron (“Mr Cameron”)

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Mr Cameron acted as an unregistered consultant lobbyist,
with particular reference to Greensill Capital (UK) Limited, Greensill Capital Management UK) Limited and associated companies (collectively referred to as ‘Greensill”).

Registrar’s Decision

Based on detailed information and assurances provided, Mr Cameron’s activities do not fall within the criteria that require registration on the Register of Consultant Lobbyists.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

Mr Cameron provided information about the terms of his employment by Greensill and comprehensive assurances that:

• any contact that he had with any Government Minister or Permanent Secretary on behalf of Greensill was made as an employee of Greensill; and
• neither he nor any company of which he is a director, shareholder or employee received any payment from Greensill, other than remuneration received by him as an employee of Greensill.

Under the terms of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014, employees are not required to register lobbying activity conducted on behalf of their employer.

Mr Cameron provided information about his pro bono activities for charities and public bodies, which are not registrable as they are unpaid. Mr Cameron provided comprehensive assurance that lobbying is not included in any of the contractual agreements he has entered into in relation to his other business interests.


22 March 2021
Media reports in relation to Mr Cameron’s lobbying activity
on behalf of Greensill.
22 March 2021ORCL request to The Office of David Cameron for an
email address to send a formal letter.
23 March 2021Formal letter from the Registrar to Mr Cameron via the Office
of David Cameron giving background on the requirement for
registering; asking if his activities in general fall within the
criteria to be registered; and in particular with reference to
24 March 2021Letter from Mr Cameron confirming he was employed by
Greensill in a personal capacity and as an employee of the firm,
the issue of registration does not apply.
25 March 2021

Letter from the Registrar requesting: further details of the nature
of contacts with any Government Minister or Permanent
Secretary; further details of Mr Cameron’s employment by
Greensill; and requesting a response as to whether his wider
activities fall within the criteria to be registered.
25 March 2021Letter from Mr Cameron giving details of the terms of his
employment by Greensill and stating that the only remuneration
from Greensill was as an employee.
25 March 2021Email from ORCL to the Office of David Cameron asking for a
response on whether David Cameron’s wider activities fall within
the criteria to be registered.
25 March 2021Letter from David Cameron, giving an overview of his other
activities and confirming that he has read the guidance on
registration and does not believe that his work meets the criteria
for registration.
26 March 2021Letter from the Registrar confirming the outcome of his

26 March 2021

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists