Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of Investigation – Businessfore

Published on: Friday 23rd June 2023

May to June 2023

Organisation or Person Investigated


Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Businessfore conducted unregistered consultant lobbying

Registrar’s Decision

Based on assurances received, Businessfore has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activity.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

Based on unequivocal and complete written assurances, Businessfore meets the three tests as a representative organisation, exempt from registration under the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (‘the Act’). This exemption applies to an organisation if:

  • It represents a particular class or body of people; and
  • its income is derived wholly or mainly from those people; and
  • its communications on behalf of those people is no more than an incidental part of its general activity.


17 May 2023Politico article regarding an event hosted in parliament on behalf of Businessfore.
24 May 2023Enquiry letter from the Registrar sent to Kerry London Limited, to find out more about Businessfore and the relationship between them.
31 May 2023Full response from Kerry London limited.
1 June 2023Formal letter from the Registrar to Businessfore giving background on the requirement for registering and asking if its activities, or those of Kerry London Limited or Kelliher Insurance Group fall within the criteria to be registered with particular reference to, but not limited to, a POLITICO report on 17 May regarding a Businessfore event in the House of Commons hosted by Amanda Solloway, MP.
12 June 2023Response from Businessfore, including details on how Businessfore meets the representative organisations exemption under the Act.
23 June 2023Letter from the Registrar concluding his investigation

23 June 2023

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists