Image of the Palace of Westminster


Summary of investigation – Prospermill Limited

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 12th March 2024

February – March 2024 Organisation or person investigated Prospermill, Prospermill Limited and Mr Andrew Mills (together: “Prospermill”) Matter(s) investigated Whether Prospermill conducted unregistered consultant lobbying. Registrar’s decision Based on assurances provided, Prospermill has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying in relation to the matter under investigation. Summary of rationale for decision Based on substantive and unequivocal written […]

Updated guidance on compliance

Category: News - Published on: Monday 4th March 2024

The guidance includes minor changes to aid clarity and understanding.

Summary of investigation – Brooks Newmark & Co Ltd

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 13th February 2024

November 2023 – February 2024 Organisation or person investigated Brooks Newmark & Co Ltd Matter(s) investigated Whether Brooks Newmark or Brooks Newmark & Co Ltd (“Mr Newmark”) conducted unregistered consultant lobbying. Registrar’s decision Based on third-party assurances provided, Mr Newmark has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying in relation to the matter under investigation, whether as […]

Advice for parliamentarians and former parliamentarians

Category: News - Published on: Wednesday 31st January 2024

If in a future role you might communicate with ministers or others on behalf of clients, you should be aware of your statutory duties under the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (‘the Act’).  A very brief overview is that UK VAT registered organisations and individuals whocommunicate personally with Government […]

Summary of investigation – The Rt Hon the Lord Hammond of Runnymede

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 7th November 2023

October to November 2023 Organisation or person investigated The Rt Hon the Lord Hammond of Runnymede “Lord Hammond” Matter(s) investigated Whether Lord Hammond conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s decision Based on assurances provided, Lord Hammond has not conducted consultant lobbying activities. Summary of rationale for decision Lord Hammond provided assurances that no representation took place […]

Summary of Investigation – Big Innovation Centre

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Monday 23rd October 2023

May to October 2023 Organisation or person investigated Big Innovation Centre (“BIC”) Matter(s) investigated Whether BIC conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s decision Based on assurances received, BIC has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activity. Summary of rationale for decision Based on substantive and unequivocal written information from BIC, no registerable communications have taken place. Where BIC […]

Summary of Investigation – Newbridge Advisory

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 20th October 2023

September to October 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Newbridge Advisory Limited (“Newbridge Advisory”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Newbridge Advisory conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on assurances given and evidence provided, Newbridge Advisory has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying as defined in the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act (“the Act”). […]

Quarterly Information Return Period Open

Category: News - Published on: Monday 2nd October 2023

This is a reminder that – Quarterly Information Report for the July to September quarter is due by the 14th of October. A return needs to be submitted even if you have a nil declaration.

PACAC inquiry evidence

Category: News - Published on: Monday 25th September 2023

In September 2023 the Registrar gave further evidence Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee as part of their inquiry into lobbying and influence: post-legislative scrutiny of the Lobbying Act 2014 and related matters.

Summary of Investigation – Rupert McNeil

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Wednesday 23rd August 2023

July to August 2023 Organisation or person investigated Rupert McNeil (“Mr McNeil”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Mr McNeil conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on assurances given and evidence provided, Mr McNeil has not conducted consultant lobbying activity. Summary of Rationale for Decision Mr McNeil provided evidence that he was an employee of Lincoln Storm […]

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