Image of the Palace of Westminster

Freedom of Information

The Registrar is committed to the provisions and principles of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FoIA’), and has adopted without modification the model publication scheme produced by the Information Commissioner. The Registrar will also look to make information available in response to requests, unless there is good reason to apply an exemption.

Although each request will be considered on its own merits, the Registrar will generally not release papers from an investigation into whether an organisation or individual has complied with the requirements of the Transparency of Lobbying [etc] Act 2014. Section 31 of FoIA (Law enforcement) will apply to these cases, and section 30(2) will also often be engaged where information is provided to the Registrar in confidence during the investigation.

Making a Freedom of Information request

Prior to making an FoI request, you may find it helpful to read the general guidance on how to make a request. However, when making an FoI request to the Registrar, please use the email address

Summary of Investigation – Bradshaw Advisory Ltd

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 16th May 2023

February – April 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Bradshaw Advisory Ltd (“Bradshaw”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Bradshaw conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activities Registrar’s Proposed Decision That Bradshaw carried out consultant lobbying activity while not registered. Summary of Rationale for Proposed Decision The Registrar is satisfied that that Bradshaw’s email of 7 February 2023 was a registerable […]

Summary of Investigation – Laurence Robertson MP

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 12th May 2023

May 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Laurence Robertson MP (“Mr Robertson”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Mr Robertson conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on assurances received, Mr Robertson has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activity. Summary of Rationale for Decision Based on Mr Robertson’s unequivocal and complete written assurances, he is not registered for VAT. […]

Summary of Investigation – Philip Davies MP

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 12th May 2023

May 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Philip Davies MP (“Mr Davies”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Mr Davies conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on assurances received, Mr Davies has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activity. Summary of Rationale for Decision Based on Mr Davies’ unequivocal and complete written assurances, he is not registered for VAT. […]

Summary of Investigation – Scott Benton MP

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 28th April 2023

April 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Scott Benton MP (“Mr Benton”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Mr Benton conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on assurances received, Mr Benton has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activity. Summary of Rationale for Decision Based on Mr Benton’s unequivocal and complete written assurances, in response to detailed enquiries, he […]

Summary of Investigation – Anna Turley

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 14th April 2023

November 2022 – April 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Anna Turley (“Ms Turley”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Ms Turley conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on detailed information and supporting evidence provided, Ms Turley is not an unregistered consultant lobbyist. Summary of Rationale for Decision Under the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union […]

Summary of Investigation – Inflect Partners Limited

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 21st March 2023

March 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Inflect Partners Limited (“Inflect”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Inflect conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Based on substantive and comprehensive assurances given, Inflect has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying. Summary of Rationale for Decision The communications with government ministers were not ‘on behalf of a client’, which is one of the […]

Summary of Investigation – Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox, MP

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 17th March 2023

February to March 2023 Organisation or Person Investigated Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox, MP (“Dr Fox”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Dr Fox conducted unregistered consultant lobbying Registrar’s Decision Dr Fox is not a consultant lobbyist Summary of Rationale for Decision Payments to Dr Fox from Bradshaw Advisory Ltd, for his work for the Global Britain Commission […]

Summary of Investigation – Connect Public Affairs Limited

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 7th March 2023

Organisation or Person Investigated Connect Public Affairs Limited (“Connect PA”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Connect PA submitted an inaccurate Quarterly Information Return (“QIR”). Registrar’s Decision Based on substantive and comprehensive assurances given, Connect Public Affairs Limited did not submit an inaccurate QIR. Summary of Rationale for Decision Connect PA is registered on the Register of Consultant […]

Record of Registrar’s external communications in 2023

Category: Publications - Published on: Tuesday 7th February 2023

This is a record of external communications made by the Registrar, Harry Rich, during 2023. We do not publish information about correspondence with whistleblowers who wish to protect their anonymity nor privileged legal communications or communications that would prejudice the conduct of a formal enquiry by the Registrar. The data is updated monthly. Last updated December 2023

Summary of investigation – Centaurus Communications 

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Wednesday 28th December 2022

November to December 2022 Organisation or person investigated Centaurus Communications  Matter(s) investigated Whether Centaurus Communications is a consultant lobbyist Registrar’s decision Centaurus Communications is not a consultant lobbyist. Summary of rationale for decision Centaurus Communications provided substantive assurance that they have not communicated with government ministers or permanent secretaries on behalf of clients and the […]

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