Image of the Palace of Westminster

Harry Rich has been reappointed as Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists

Published on: Wednesday 24th August 2022

Harry Rich has been reappointed as Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists for a further term of three years from 22 September 2022, following his initial appointment in 2018.

Harry Rich commented: ‘After four years as Registrar I still have no doubt that transparent ethical lobbying is a valuable part of the policy-making process. I am even more convinced that undisclosed and therefore unethical lobbying corrodes public confidence in our political system and is likely to result in poor or indefensible decisions.

‘The overwhelming majority of professional consultant lobbyists and other professionals who provide lobbying services operate openly and transparently on behalf of their clients and fully comply with both the letter and spirit of the 2014 Act. By contrast a small number of those clearly engaged in lobbying resist disclosure by seeking to find ways around the legislation, paying no respect to the spirit of transparency that sits behind the law. This is, of course, their right, but it is disappointing.

‘The legal obligations of the 2014 Act rest on consultant lobbyists. However, my work to ensure compliance would be greatly aided if ministerial transparency data was published in a more complete, consistent and timely form.

‘Over the next three years I will continue to strive, within the bounds of the 2014 Act, to ensure maximum transparency of consultant lobbying activity by raising awareness of the law, supporting compliance and rigorously investigating potential unregistered lobbying.’

Ministerial statement