Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of Investigation – Teneo Blue Rubicon Ltd (Teneo)

Published on: Friday 26th March 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated

Teneo Blue Rubicon Ltd (Teneo)

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Teneo submitted an inaccurate quarterly information return
(QIR), particularly in relation to Greensill Capital.

Registrar’s Decision

Based on comprehensive assurances from Teneo, the quarterly
information returns were accurate.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

Teneo has provided comprehensive assurance that Sir
Craig Oliver did not lobby anyone in government on behalf of Greensill Capital.


24 March 2021
Media report that Sir Craig Oliver, a Principal at Teneo, may
have arranged meetings on behalf of Greensill.
24 March 2021Formal letter from the Registrar to Teneo enquiring whether
inaccurate QIRs had been submitted, particularly in relation
to Greensill Capital.
24 March 2021Letter from Teneo confirming that their QIRs were accurate
and providing assurance that Sir Craig Oliver did not lobby
anyone in government on behalf of Greensill Capital.

26 March 2021

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists