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Consultation on Guidance, Codes of Conduct and Compliance

Category: Consultations - Published on: Tuesday 9th February 2021

The Registrar has launched a consultation to seek views on guidance, codes of conduct and compliance. The consultation document can be downloaded below. The Consultation will be open until 09 March 2021. Please submit your response to

Record of Registrar’s external communications in 2020

Category: Publications - Published on: Thursday 4th February 2021

You can download below a record of all the written and oral external communications conducted by the Registrar, Harry Rich, from 1 January 2020.

Summary of Investigation – Portland PR Limited

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Monday 11th January 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Portland PR Limited Matter(s) Investigated Whether Portland PR Limited submitted accurate QIRs, particularly non-inclusion of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in their QIR for April to June 2020; and whether George Pascoe-Watson’s discussions with Lord Bethell included undeclared lobbying. This investigation followed a Sunday Times article on 15 November 2020. Registrar’s Decision […]

Summary of Investigation – Big Innovation Centre

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Thursday 17th December 2020

Organisation or Person Investigated Big Innovation Centre (BIC) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Big Innovation Centre (BIC) carries out activities that fall within the terms of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (‘the Act’). Summary of Rationale for Decision BIC provided initial assurances that their activities do not fall within the […]

Summary of investigation – Tulchan Communications LLP (‘Tulchan’)

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Wednesday 25th November 2020

Organisation or Person Investigated Tulchan Communications LLP (‘Tulchan’) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Tulchan submitted an inaccurate Quarterly Information Return under the terms of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (‘the Act’), in particular whether they omitted a client from their return for the period April to June 2020. Registrar’s Decision […]

Guidance update – August 2020

Category: News - Published on: Tuesday 4th August 2020

The Registrar is today publishing an updated guidance document on registration and Quarterly Information Returns, which reflects updates to Pre-registration quarter, Declaring a code of conduct, and Updating register information and contact details. The updated guidance can be found here.

Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20

Category: Corporate documents - Published on: Tuesday 21st July 2020

The Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists’ Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year 2019-20 was laid before Parliament on 20 July 2020, having been certified by the Comptroller and Auditor General without qualification. You can download a copy below. The document, together with an Open Data Source version of the tabular data […]

Business Plan 2020-21

Category: Publications - Published on: Thursday 7th May 2020

This document sets out the key priorities of the Registrar to ensure continued compliance with the Transparency of Lobbying [etc] Act 2014 during the 2020-21 financial year. You can download and read the Business Plan below.

Summary of Investigation – Lowick Group

Category: Publications - Published on: Tuesday 28th April 2020

April 2020 Organisation or Person Investigated Lowick Group Matter(s) Investigated Whether the Lowick Group’s activities are such that they should be entered on the Register of Consultant Lobbyists. Registrar’s Decision There is no evidence of consultant lobbying historically, but Lowick Group are likely to need to register themselves in prospect of future work. Summary of […]

The Register – from the beginning

Category: Publications - Published on: Tuesday 7th April 2020

These files contain data on all those who are currently or have previously been registered, and the clients which they have declared to us each quarter, since the Register of Consultant Lobbyists began in 2015. Last updated 7 May 2020.

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