Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of Investigation – Bradshaw Advisory Ltd

Published on: Tuesday 16th May 2023

February – April 2023

Organisation or Person Investigated

Bradshaw Advisory Ltd (“Bradshaw”)

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Bradshaw conducted unregistered consultant lobbying activities

Registrar’s Proposed Decision

That Bradshaw carried out consultant lobbying activity while not registered.

Summary of Rationale for Proposed Decision

The Registrar is satisfied that that Bradshaw’s email of 7 February 2023 was a registerable communication in that:

  • The communication was made on behalf of a paying client
  • To a Minister of the Crown
  • Bradshaw is UK VAT-registered.

The failure of Bradshaw to register before carrying out consultant lobbying, as required by 1(1) of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (“the Act”), is an offence under 12(1) of the Act.


01/01/23Bradshaw’s registration expires, following non-payment of the statutory registration fee.
26/02/23Article in the Guardian regarding lobbying for the Global Britain Commission (“GBC”).
28/02/23Bradshaw re-registers.
28/02/23Formal letter from the Registrar giving background on the requirement for registering and asking if Bradshaw’s activities fall within the criteria for registration. In particular, but not limited to, Bradshaw’s work for the GBC.
09/03/23Letter from Bradshaw regarding their registration and work for the GBC.
14/03/23Letter from the Registrar requesting information on Bradshaw’s involvement with the GBC letter on 7 February to the Prime Minister; and funding of Bradshaw’s secretariat work for GBC.
20/03/23Letter from Bradshaw disclosing their email to the Prime Minister on 7 February 2023, attaching the GBC letter.
27/03/23Letter from the Registrar giving the reasons he is minded to conclude that the 7 February email was a registerable communication and asking Bradshaw to respond to the matters of fact.
03/04/23Letter from Bradshaw, setting out reasons they felt the communication was not registerable.
05/04/23Letter from the Registrar giving advice to ensure future compliance with the Act. Notice of Intention to issue a civil penalty is issued.
16/05/23Civil Penalty issued.


Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists