Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of Investigation – CMEC UK & MENA Limited

Published on: Monday 15th November 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated

CMEC UK & MENA Limited

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether CMEC UK & MENA Limited is an unregistered consultant lobbyist

Registrar’s Decision

CMEC UK & MENA Limited is not an unregistered consultant lobbyist, based on detailed information and substantive assurances provided.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

Based on the explanation of CMEC UK & MENA Limited’s business activities and substantive assurances provided, I conclude that the company has not been engaging in consultant lobbying activity.


Date Action
16 September Whistleblowing email received, giving information suggesting that CMEC UK & MENA Limited may be an unregistered consultant lobbyist.
17 September Formal letter from the Registrar to CMEC UK & MENA Limited giving background on the requirement for registering and asking if their activities fall within the criteria for registration.
6 October No response having been received, statutory Information Notice from the Registrar, requiring a response to his queries within 30 days.
11 October Response from rradar, solicitors acting for CMEC UK & MENA Limited, saying that their client did not receive the Registrar’s letter of 17 September
14 October Response from rradar that their client is aware of the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (“the Act”), is a not for profit company and does not engage in consultant lobbying.
9 November Letter from the Registrar, requesting more detail in relation to CMEC UK & MENA Limited’s activities, and clarifying that there is no exception for non-profits under the Act,
11 November Letter from rradar giving explicit and substantive assurances on behalf of their client that CMEC has never communicated with ministers or senior civil servants in order to lobby on anyone’s behalf.
15 November Letter from the Registrar closing the investigation.

15 November 2021

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists