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Summary of Investigation – Collider Health

Published on: Thursday 11th November 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated

Collider Health

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Collider Health undertook unregistered consultant lobbying activities

Registrar’s Decision

Collider Health is not an unregistered consultant lobbyist.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

The communication under investigation took place in April 2021 at the online launch by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Longevity (“the APPG”) of the APPG’s Levelling Up report. The Secretary of State for Health and the Chief Medical Officer (“CMO”) also presented at the launch. The investigation established that Collider Health was not the APPG support provider (secretariat) at the time of the launch, taking on this role on 1 September 2021.

Collider Health should ensure that it is clear about the requirements of the Act in order to avoid the risk of making unregistered relevant communications under the Act.


Date Action
9 April The APPG’s 9 April 2021 Levelling Up Health Launch. A video of this launch shows presentations from a Secretary of State, the CMO and the APPG support provider (secretariat).
15 September Formal letter from the Registrar to Collider Health (the current APPG support provider) giving background on the requirement for registering; asking if their activities in general fall within the criteria to be registered; and in particular with reference to Collider Health’s Longevity APPG support role and citing the 9 April 2021 video.
20 September Email from APPG Secretariat confirming Collider Health became the APPG support provider from 1 September 2021; giving links to Governance Framework and Income and Expenditure Statements and stating that any communication with Ministers or Permanent Secretaries always comes from the APPG’s Chair.
27 September ORCL email asking whether Collider Health is paid to provide support services to the APPG and whether Collider Health VAT registered.
27 September Email from the APPG Secretariat stating a proportion of time spent by Collider Health on APPG secretariat services is paid (through funds donated by sponsors); and Collider Health is VAT registered.
1 November Letter from the Registrar to both Longevity International and Collider Health explaining that the 9 April event seems registerable; asking if Collider Health is paid to provide support services to the APPG; and whether Collider Health’s services include communications of any kind with Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and equivalents.
2 November Email from the APPG Secretariat stating the event on 9 April was not registerable; that the APPG’s relatively low-cost work is supported by charities and corporate sponsors who have no control over outcomes; and Collider Health does not engage in activities that require registration.
11 November Letter from the Registrar to Collider Health concluding that as they were not the support provider on 9 April 2021 they had not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying. Advising caution to avoid unintentional unregistered lobbying in future.

11 November 2021

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists