Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of Investigation – Confederation of British Industry

Published on: Friday 9th December 2022

October to December 2022

Organisation or Person Investigated

Confederation of British Industry (“CBI”)

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether the CBI is a consultant lobbyist

Registrar’s Decision

The CBI is not a consultant lobbyist

Summary of Rationale for Decision

The CBI’s communications with government ministers that the Registrar is aware of are not ‘on behalf of a client’, which is one of the tests in the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (‘the Act’). The Registrar considers that the CBI is expressing a collective view of the organisation as a whole, rather than a view on behalf of a member (client).  


11 OctoberFormal letter from the Registrar to the CBI giving background on the requirement for registering; asking if their activities fall within the criteria to be registered; with reference to the CBI website stating the first key benefit of membership as ‘By playing an active role in the CBI you can make sure that your views on the action and investment needed by government are reflected. We meet with the most senior politicians and officials every day to put forward the evidence from the business community on where change is needed and steer policy, legislation and spending decisions in a way that work for business. Feed in on the topics that really matter to you.’
21 OctoberCBI letter to request an extension for response.
25 OctoberRegistrar letter to confirm the requested extension.
25 NovemberSubstantive response from CBI regarding their background and speaking for business as a whole; the benefits of membership beyond CBI’s engagement with government; and the CBI’s approach to policy-making.
9 DecemberLetter from the Registrar concluding his investigation.

9 December 2022

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists