Image of the Palace of Westminster

Summary of Investigation – Inflect Partners Limited

Published on: Tuesday 21st March 2023

March 2023

Organisation or Person Investigated

Inflect Partners Limited (“Inflect”)

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Inflect conducted unregistered consultant lobbying

Registrar’s Decision

Based on substantive and comprehensive assurances given, Inflect has not conducted unregistered consultant lobbying.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

The communications with government ministers were not ‘on behalf of a client’, which is one of the tests in the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (‘the Act’). This is based on assurances from Inflect and provision of relevant communications. Communications were sent in Emily Wallace’s role as Trade Association Forum (“TAF”) CEO, not in her role as Director of Inflect. The email address and branding used was TAF only.


14/3/23Formal letter from the Registrar giving background on the requirement for registering and asking if Inflect’s activities fall within the criteria for registration. In particular, but not limited to, Inflect’s work for the TAF and Infrastrata.
14/3/23Email response from Inflect.
16/3/23Letter from the Registrar asking for further information on Inflect’s role for TAF.
16/3/23Response with further information regarding work for TAF.
17/3/23Email from Office requesting clarification on who ministerial communications are from (TAF or inflect).
17/3/23Email from Inflect showing the relevant communication was from TAF.
21/3/23Letter from Registrar concluding the investigation.

21 March 2023

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists