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Summary of Investigation – Rupert McNeil

Published on: Wednesday 23rd August 2023

July to August 2023

Organisation or person investigated

Rupert McNeil (“Mr McNeil”)

Matter(s) Investigated

Whether Mr McNeil conducted unregistered consultant lobbying

Registrar’s Decision

Based on assurances given and evidence provided, Mr McNeil has not conducted consultant lobbying activity.

Summary of Rationale for Decision

Mr McNeil provided evidence that he was an employee of Lincoln Storm then Storm Energia. Under the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014, consultant lobbyists communicate on behalf of clients. Communications made by employees on behalf of their employer are not consultant lobbying.


5 JulyArticle in Civil Service World regarding a letter from the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments, following Mr McNeil’s letters to ministers.
12 JulyFormal letter from the Registrar to Mr McNeil giving background on the requirement for registering and asking if his activities fall within the criteria to be registered with particular reference to, but not limited to, any communications made on behalf of Storm Energia Ltd and Lincoln Storm Ltd.
28 JulyLetter of 12 July re-sent by email.
28 JulyEmail from Mr McNeil confirming receipt and correct contact details.
31 JulyResponse to letter of 12 July setting out reasons that his communications are not subject to the Act, including that they were made in his capacity as an employee.
4 AugustLetter from the Registrar requesting further details to demonstrate that Mr McNeil was an employee at the time of the communications.
10 AugustLetter from Mr McNeil providing evidence of his employment.
23 AugustLetter from Registrar concluding his investigation

23 August 2023

Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists