Image of the Palace of Westminster

Freedom of Information

The Registrar is committed to the provisions and principles of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FoIA’), and has adopted without modification the model publication scheme produced by the Information Commissioner. The Registrar will also look to make information available in response to requests, unless there is good reason to apply an exemption.

Although each request will be considered on its own merits, the Registrar will generally not release papers from an investigation into whether an organisation or individual has complied with the requirements of the Transparency of Lobbying [etc] Act 2014. Section 31 of FoIA (Law enforcement) will apply to these cases, and section 30(2) will also often be engaged where information is provided to the Registrar in confidence during the investigation.

Making a Freedom of Information request

Prior to making an FoI request, you may find it helpful to read the general guidance on how to make a request. However, when making an FoI request to the Registrar, please use the email address

Conference of European Lobbying Registrars in Dublin

Published on: Monday 26th March 2018

The Registrar attended a conference of European Lobbying registrars hosed by the Irish Lobbying registrar in Dublin on 21/22 March.

Newsletter – March 2018

Published on: Friday 9th March 2018

Register Update The start of any new calendar year is always the busiest time as the Office is not only processing quarterly returns, but also dealing with collection of the annual registration fee. There are currently 129 registrants on the Register-six were made inactive from 31 December, having decided that they were no longer conducting […]

Registrar presents to Compliance Officers

Published on: Thursday 22nd February 2018

The Registrar presented a working session for users of the Register at a meeting facilitated by the PRCA and hosted by the Fleishman-Hillard Group on Tuesday 20 February.

Newsletter – January 2018

Published on: Thursday 18th January 2018

A message from the Registrar about deadlines for quarterly information returns and payment of annual registration fees.

Newsletter – December 2017

Published on: Friday 15th December 2017

Review of the year At the start of this year, there were 125 registrants live on the Register; currently this number has risen to 136. A number of new organisations have joined the Register, often a function of changes required by clients in the context of exiting the EU. There have also been organisations leaving […]

Response to Information Publication and Retention Consultation

Category: Consultations - Published on: Tuesday 5th December 2017

The Registrar recently consulted on refreshing guidance about information publication and retention. Eight responses were received which are very much appreciated, and have helped to further inform the Registrar’s thinking on this important issue. The Registrar is publishing new guidance today which encompasses the following changes in approach: Archive of Register – to retain archived […]

Newsletter – October 2017

Published on: Monday 30th October 2017

Update on Quarterly Information Returns for July-September2017 At the end of June 2017, there were 130 registrants live on the Register: of these, three submitted their Quarterly Information Return after the statutory deadline. The Office issues warning letters to them; and where appropriate, the Registrar also speaks the organisations that miss the deadline. So far, […]

Consultation on Information Publication and Retention

Category: Consultations - Published on: Tuesday 26th September 2017

The Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists has opened its consultation on Information Publication and Retention, in order to establish the views of registrants and other stakeholders.

Newsletter – August 2017

Published on: Tuesday 8th August 2017

Update on Quarterly Information Returns for April-June 2017 At the end of June 2017, there were 124 registrants on the Register: of these, six submitted their Quarterly Information Return after the statutory deadline. The Office issued warning letters to all of them and where appropriate, the Registrar also speaks to organisations to ensure delays are […]

ORCL Publishes its 2016-17 Statement of Accounts

Category: Corporate documents - Published on: Monday 24th July 2017

On 20 July, following audit by the National Audit Office, the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists’ Statement of Accounts were laid before Parliament.

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