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Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21

Category: Corporate documents - Published on: Tuesday 20th July 2021

The Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists’ Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year 2020-21 was laid before Parliament on 20 July 2021, having been certified by the Comptroller and Auditor General. You can download a copy below.

Summary of Investigation – Royal Public Affairs (Royal PA)

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 2nd July 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Royal Public Affairs (Royal PA) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Royal PA is an unregistered consultant lobbyist Registrar’s Decision That Royal PA does not need to register, based on the information provided, regarding its APPG support and Child Mental Health Charter work. Summary of Rationale for Decision Based on the information provided, Royal […]

Summary of Investigation – Underwoods Solicitors and Law Abroad Limited (Underwoods)

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 2nd July 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Underwoods Solicitors and Law Abroad Limited (‘Underwoods’) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Underwoods acted as a consultant lobbyist, including, but not limited to, the employment of a Parliamentary Liaison Officer Registrar’s Decision Based on information provided by Underwoods their activities do not fall within the criteria requiring registration on the Register of Consultant […]

Summary of Investigation – Shout Out UK Ltd (SOUK)

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Tuesday 15th June 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Shout Out UK Ltd (SOUK) Matter(s) Investigated Whether SOUK is an unregistered a consultant lobbyist. Registrar’s Decision On the basis of information supplied, SOUK is not acting as a consultant lobbyist. Summary of Rationale for Decision The mainstream work of SOUK is not representing clients, but increasing political literacy among people, […]

Consultation responses and conclusions

Category: Consultations - Published on: Thursday 13th May 2021

The Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists consulted on guidance, codes of conduct and compliance in February and March 2021.  You can view the responses received to the consultation and the Registrar’s conclusions in light of those responses, in the following downloadable documents. The Registrar will publish updated guidance in due course and current guidance remains in […]

Business Plan 2021/22

Category: Corporate documents - Published on: Thursday 29th April 2021

This document sets out the key priorities of the Registrar to ensure continued compliance with the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 during the 2021-22 financial year.

Update from the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists

Category: News - Published on: Tuesday 6th April 2021

As Registrar, my role is to apply the legislation on registration of consultant lobbying activity robustly and fairly. The scope and ambit of registration was defined by parliament in 2014 and remains a matter for government and parliament. Some recent comment has suggested that a number of groups of people, such as lawyers, management consultants […]

Summary of investigation – Rt Hon David Cameron

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 26th March 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Rt Hon David Cameron (“Mr Cameron”) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Mr Cameron acted as an unregistered consultant lobbyist, with particular reference to Greensill Capital (UK) Limited, Greensill Capital Management UK) Limited and associated companies (collectively referred to as ‘Greensill”). Registrar’s Decision Based on detailed information and assurances provided, Mr Cameron’s activities do […]

Summary of Investigation – Teneo Blue Rubicon Ltd (Teneo)

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 26th March 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Teneo Blue Rubicon Ltd (Teneo) Matter(s) Investigated Whether Teneo submitted an inaccurate quarterly information return (QIR), particularly in relation to Greensill Capital. Registrar’s Decision Based on comprehensive assurances from Teneo, the quarterly information returns were accurate. Summary of Rationale for Decision Teneo has provided comprehensive assurance that Sir Craig Oliver did […]

Summary of Investigation – Public Policy Projects Ltd

Category: Investigation summaries - Published on: Friday 26th February 2021

Organisation or Person Investigated Public Policy Projects Limited (“PPP”) Matter(s) Investigated Following a query from a journalist, this investigation was to determine if PPP is an unregistered consultant lobbyist and in particular whether a meeting on 21 August 2020 (“the meeting”) constituted consultant lobbying. Registrar’s Decision Based on the information provided and assurances given, PPP’s […]

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